Apply as a Translator

Honyaku Center is always recruiting new translators.
Fill out this form to apply for our translation trial.


requisiteindicates a required field.

Freelancer or company

"Freelancer or company" is a required field.


"Name" is a required field.
Company name

"Company name" is a required field.
Name of representative

"Name of representative" is a required field.
Name of person in charge

"Name of person in charge" is a required field.
Native language

"Native language" is a required field.
Home country

"Home country" is a required field.
Date of birth


"Month" and "Day" are required fields.
Year of establishment

"Year of establishment" is a required field.

"Gender" is a required field.
Country of residence

"Country of residence" is a required field.
Enter your address, postal code first.


"Prefecture" is a required field.
Enter your address here

Include any apartment or building names.
"Address" is a required field.

"Country" is a required field.
Enter your address here

Include the state/province/region if necessary.
"Address" is a required field.

With or without hyphens.
"Phone" is a required field.
Additional contact information
(mobile, etc.)

With or without hyphens.

"E-mail" is a required field.
(for verification)

Please re-enter your e-mail for verification.
"E-mail (for verification" is a required field.

Language pair and field

requisiteindicates a required field.

Language pair
Source language

"Target language" is a required field.

*Please select your source language.

"Target language" is a required field.
Target language

"Source language" is a required field.

*Please select your target language.

"Source language" is a required field.
Desired rate

yen per source word/character

*If you wish to apply for multiple language pairs, please specify in the Other Information field below.

Desired field

*Please refer to our Services for more information on each field.

"Desired field" is a required field.


requisiteindicates a required field.

Educational background
(including translation/
revision studies)

"Educational background" is a required field.
Vocational background

"Vocational background" is a required field.
Translation background

*Please confirm our Job Requirements before applying.

"Translation background" is a required field.
Fields of specialization

Please be specific. You may enter multiple fields of specialization.
"Fields of specialization" is a required field.
Fields of experience

Please be specific. You may enter multiple fields of experience.
Translation studies background
(200 character limit)


Operating Environment

requisiteindicates a required field.

Do you use CAT tools?

If so, please specify.

Operating system

You may enter multiple operating systems.
"Operating system" is a required field.

You may enter multiple application.
"Software" is a required field.

Other Information

requisiteindicates a required field.

How did you hear about Honyaku Center?
(Multiple selection allowed.)





*Please specify.

"How did you hear about Honyaku Center" is a required field.
(400 character limit)

"Self-introduction" is a required field.
Other information

Please specify here if you also wish to apply for another position (such as reviser) or if you wish to apply for multiple language pairs.


requisiteindicates a required field.

If you pass the trial,
where do you wish to register?
(Multiple selection allowed.)

"Registration" is a required field.

Terms and Conditions

Please read and accept our Duty of Confidentiality.

Please read and accept our Privacy Policy.

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